Monday 11 July 2011

Hydration Pen

Studies have proved that by the time children first become aware of the feeling of thirst, they have already lost 10 percent concentration in the school environment. Since concentration is the key to any kind of learning, the need to stay hydrated becomes even more important. Further studies indicate that most children, aged 15–18, are just not aware enough to understand the value of staying hydrated, and the rudimentary lecture in health class once a term is just not enough.

The Hydration Pen comes with an injection molded center which contains a printed circuit board that measures the BMI of the user. An electrical pulse runs from cast steel tip from one end, through the users’ arm, traveling across their chest and down the other arm and into the other end. As the body dehydrates, its fat content starts to lower and the monitor quickly measures that. Powered by AAA batteries, the pen simply shows results by flashing a color (green = hydrated and red = dehydrated) through the center band and lets the user know if they need to have a sip.

The basic thought behind having the monitor in the form of a pen is that children carry pens and pencils in classrooms and generally are in the habit of holding one through the course of a routine day at school. The test, thus, can be integrated seamlessly in the children’s environment without being intrusive and can remind them to drink something when their hydration levels need to be replenished.

Disclaimer: Some images hosted on this blog have been collected from external research associates to be presented as stimulus to those seeking news from the cutting edge of packaging. The imagery is not being presented as our own and copyright still belongs to the owner/creator of said work.

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